Saturday, February 19, 2011

Never dull...

It is never dull, is it?  Hannah has decided she wants to be even more "independent" and doesn't need mommy's help anymore in helping her dress, putting her shoes on or getting her breakfast.  She can do it all...or so she says.  I'll admit, I secretly love that she is my independent, defiant child b/c I love that she is making her own way in this world.  However, some days it makes for trying times.  Last night was no different.  We decided to head to Red Lobster as a family.  Tim and I had a full week, neither of us felt like cooking and we just wanted to be out amongst the people.  So, off we headed to Sandusky for dinner...Hannah was actually really good and sat all during appetizers, salad and dinner.  However, it wasn't without a few challenges, mainly her desire to take items of clothing off.  Yes, that's right, along with the independent, defiant streak, I also have a child who relishes in being in minimal clothes...God help me when she's 18!

Back to the story: thankfully no shirts or pants came off but shoes and socks did. And she refused to put them back on b/c as she said "I like to see my feet mommy! And they're tired..." Oh, okay Hannah, I think... So, for me it wasn't a battle worth fighting during dinner until it was time to leave and then she had no choice. A meltdown was about to ensue when a lightbulb went off: Max and Ruby.  Yes, everything revolves around those damn bunnies! But, they did just the promising she could watch the show in the car, Hannah happily put back on the shoes and socks.  Another crisis averted, for now...

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