Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I now have a five month old...as I think back over the last five months I'm incredulous with all that has occurred.  I was blissfully naive to having two kids...somehow I thought that by having another girl, it would be easy...a breeze really.  Like riding a bike...I've done it once b/f how hard can it be again.  Well, I found out and let me fill you in on a secret: having another child isn't a walk in the park and (surprise!) it's hard! I wouldn't trade it for anything but running morning, noon and night has a whole different take with two...but in just five months I've gotten to see a newborn grow into a baby and do all these things:
  • roll from her belly to her back
  • eat rice cereal and single grain oatmeal
  • belly laugh
  • pull her toys down from her activity mat
  • move all around her crib like she's looking for an escape route!
  • become excited when she sees her mommy 
  • sit and support her head in the Bumbo chair
  • eat her hands
  • rock from side to side
And now onto the next five months and to a whole new set of milestones...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, she is just too darn cute!!!

    Yes, going from one to two kiddos is rough. Really rough. I remember just crying, calling my mom (all of the time), and wondering how we would make it through the day when we brought Garrett home. One day at a time...
