Monday, April 18, 2011


By the title one might expect something to do with Caroline or Hannah...but not so much tonight.  It's about me...yes, that's right me: the mother, wife, p.r. professional, friend, sister and all that's in between.  I accomplished two amazing things last week:  I became accredited in public relations and I ran my very first EVER 5K.  Some might say I was crazy to do both in the same week...and they would be right.  However, I did it.

I've overcome a lot in my life and couldn't be more honored and humbled by these two recent accomplishments.  You see, I was never the most popular or the best at really anything.  I was just me trying to carve out a piece of life for myself.  I worked hard, overcame a lot of negatives and finally found myself, my life and what happiness means to me.  That's not to say I'm not a work in progress or don't make mistakes b/c I am and I do.  BUT I am who I am and I accept that....finally. And am really happy!

So for that I am thankful.  I am excited to see where my journey leads next but for now I'm going to relish in becoming APR and running my first 5K.  Who knows maybe a master's degree and a 1/2 marathon is in my future...just maybe...

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