Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happiness is a choice...

It's been awhile since I last wrote an moves and sometimes there's too much to keep up with.

Yes, that's mostly true for me but I've also been on a journey of self discovery over the last few months and I'm thankful for it.  At the time when I began I wasn't so thankful but today I am more than I can really write.

You see in November I had a panic attack so severe that it sent me into a spiral...down...into darkness.  I had to pull myself up and out but during that process I realized that it wasn't only about pulling myself out of that panic and anxiety but it was about learning who I am. Today.

And who I wanted to be moving forward.

My motto for most of life has been: Life is a Journey. Not a Destination.  And I believe that more than ever.  There are peaks, valleys and thunderous caves throughout it.  But for all the scrapes, bruises and brokeness we may have, there is also sun, laughter and happiness....So I wear my battle scars proudly today b/c it's part of me and who I am...It's my story.

Throughout the last five months, I've come to many realities about my life.....and one of the "biggest" is that happiness isn't a given in life. It's a choice.  And we have to work to be happy with who we are and the lives we have chosen.

For so long I used to thing I deserve happiness like everyone else but now I realize and believe that it's a choice we make each and everyday.  And no I'm not Miss PollyAnna everyday and happy go-lucky.  Like most people I have my good and bad days...but I realize that by choosing to be happier more and more, even on the not so good days, that my life is more meaningful and I embrace my Faith in God and my relationships with others better, deeper.

And I'm grateful for that.  Life will continue to ebb and flow like it's supposed to and however it unfolds, I'm choosing happiness....what about you?

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