Sunday, May 22, 2011

"You know you love me!"

Hannah, dear sweet, Hannah....she may look like her father but she is all me in personality! This weekend was no exception. You see Hannah is willful...and knows it. She loves to push the envelope to see how far she can take it. BUT does it with such manners that you sorta start to question yourself as to whether you're too hard on her. But, alas as her mom, I recognize that it's just her being her and no, I need to be firm!

Her favorite phrases when she gets caught doing something she shouldn't OR, better yet, when something happens that shouldn't...."It's an accident. It happens." AND "You know you love me mom!" I'll admit, she usually has a point with both phrases...but there are still lessons for her to learn and I make sure I point them out.

Case in point: Hannah decided to play with her markers, upstairs and in her room. I didn't see her take them up there (we have a rule that she's only to play with them in the office or kitchen due to the ease of cleaning the floors!) fact, I think I was feeding Caroline at the time, hence, was distracted. After a few minutes of silence, I head up to investigate. And there is Hannah playing with her markers and paper in her room. Looks innocent enough at first. Then as I peer closer I see she is covered in marker as is a portion of the new carpet in her room.

One can guess what followed out of my mouth. But out of Hannah's: "Mommy, it was an accident. It's okay. It happens." And then "You know you love me mommy!!" Thank goodness she's cute... =)

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