Tuesday, March 29, 2011


When I was pregnant with Caroline and didn't yet know if she was a boy or a girl, I often thought it would be nice to have another girl so Hannah would have a sister. That's not to say I wished for a girl b/c I didn't, but I did think about the bond between sisters and what that means.

I have three sisters myself and I'm not sure what I would do without them. We've had our share of fights, not speaking moments and plenty of disagreements to go around.  BUT we also have our marathon chats, shopping trips, family get together where we laugh and sip wine and I have their unconditional support among everything else.  Sure they'll give me the truth if an outfit doesn't look good and hardly anything is secret around us...if you tell one sister, chances are as soon as she hangs up with you she's on the phone with the other sister telling her =)

I wouldn't trade it for anything though because without them my life would not be complete.  And as I watched my own girls tonight I saw that bond already as I caught them both laughing, at the same time, at each other about something they only know...and inside and out I smiled.

Okay, so Caroline doesn't looked thrilled here but it could be she's falling over and not exactly a comfy position!

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