Most people who know me, think that Hannah is me. Well, she doesn't look like me BUT apparently the "defiant, independent child" is how I was when I was young. My mom reminds me of that often =) As do my sisters... And while true, I don't recall giving my parents the run that Hannah gives to me. It probably happened but still...I love her and all but it is definitely a battle of wills some day. It is funny when I can just look at her and figure out what her next move is b/f she even does it. Like today. She decided she was tired of playing kitchen with me so I could tell Hannah was eyeing her dresser to empty it out and "organize it." And yup, that is just what she was about to do...until I saw it in her eye and diverted it. If I have the "organizing the dresser" event one more time, I planned to take all her clothes out of the room. Not quite sure how I diverted the attention but within two minutes she was happily playing with her dolls in my room! Thank goodness...
Today was a special milestone for Caroline...she had her first taste of rice cereal! At first she didn't know quite what to make of it but after a couple minutes, she decided that it was good and was all ready for more! At four months, I thought it was time to try it out and happy I did.
Last night Caroline was baptized into the Catholic Church. I became choked up when the Sacrament happened during church...another milestone for my baby has occurred and wow. BUT last night also marked the night Hannah went #2 in her underwear while wearing her new purple dress and playing with her cousins. Yes, it happened at home but it was drama. She screamed and cried and wanted her underwear I found a new level of patience I never knew I had...I calmed her, cleaned her and changed her all without yelling. Rather, I kept telling Hannah that it was okay, accidents happen and we'll try again another time. I always told people I lacked patience...that is until last night.
Hannah and Ryder would be two peas in a pod. Oh, is that child like his mama;0 LOL I cannot believe Miss Caroline is 4 months old. Time passes all too quickly...