For three years now, I knew it was inevitable that I'd hear those words from Hannah eventually. But today was not one of those morning I expected it...but it happened. She melted into tears at 6:45 a.m. and cried out "No school mommy! I don't want to go to school to day...I stay here with you." Well, as anyone could imagine, I pretty much wanted to meltdown with her. Truth be told, I would have loved to stay home today and played Princess with her and Caroline. But reality was we couldn't. She had school and mommy had a full work day ahead...
While it wasn't easy to calm her down, I managed it. I wish I could say I soothed and calmed her fears with words...but I didn't. Sure I used some words and told her I loved her very much, but like any three year old, words were only going take me so, I bribed. That's right. I used Max and Ruby, her favorite show, as a way to entice her into the car. I promised she could watch an episode in the car on the way to school. And miraculously by 7 a.m. the three Hartigan women were on their way to school and work...
And by the time we arrived at school, Hannah was ready to go and bounded happily inside the building to see her friends.
Personally, I am a fan of bribery. FYI, Garrett has proclaimed he is never going to school. Again! He has clearly stated he is going to play his Nintendo DS all day long (for the rest of his life). I am so proud!