When Hannah was a baby I always said to people that I didn't care if she had a pacifier b/c when the time came to get rid of it, I'd just throw them away and it'd be done. I'll be the first to admit...I was soo naive to that thought! She's now almost three and still has it much to my chagrin. We've made significant progress in only having it at night for bed but every now and then the "binky" creeps into the day. Like this morning...it was time to leave for school and a meltdown of infinite proportions occurred. And it all came as a result of "Hannah, please put your binky back in your bed now." One would have thought it was the end of the world by the wailing that transpired...
Now, I get asked about Caroline and does she have a binky. Well, she does but we don't actively force it or willingly give it to her at the moment. We've learned that lesson...for now. Stay tuned...
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