Today we were supposed to have more than a foot of snow on the didn't quite happen. Instead Mother Nature gave us sleet that coated most things. Sure it was combined with some snow but overall the "biggest storm of the century" missed us and broke a part.
BUT I still managed to have the day at home to work and be with the girls as we had a level three snow emergency here...Hannah was all about it b/c it meant she could stay in her p.j.'s all day. And for Caroline it meant that mommy could care for her as she's trying to recovery from a cold and ear infection. The poor four month old looks rough but yet through it all she's still smiling and laughing.
People (ie our families) are amazed that Tim and I had two kids with great dispositions when they are sick. Hannah is similar as she musters through her illness with a smile and time to play. However, Caroline definitely take it to a whole new level...even after the sleepless nights and the excessive spit up episodes, she's still smiling and cooing. If only I could be like that...even when I don't have a cold!
Poor Caroline...fingers crossed she is on the mend. Hope you enjoyed your day together!