Saturday, October 8, 2011

Where to begin?! is a journey! A lot has happened since my last post! Caroline is officially a one year old and Hannah is, well, chatting and independent as always. So....may be not much HAS passed???? LOL! In early September we went on vacation as a family a four plus my mom (Gramma Dianne). We traveled the 12+ hours to Virginia Beach, VA and it was WONDERFUL! VB is an incredibly family friendly place and I couldn't have asked for anything more. It turns out that Hannah loves the ocean and making sand surprises while Caroline likes to simply eat the sand and drink the salt water! And I loved every minute of it...even the part where I was washing out Caroline's mouth and eyes after ingesting sand and salt H2O @ once. Yup, the girl couldn't get enough of either... Now, let's fast forward to end of September and Caroline is 1. Wow, is all I have to say. It has been an incredible year full of ups and downs but, in the end, I wouldn't want it any other way. She is my baby girl and I feel incredibly blessed to have her. It hasn't been easy with two....I was foolish to think otherwise =) BUT in the end life has worked out just the way it was supposed to... And now we look to Halloween 2011 and I can't wait. Hannah plans to be either Snow White or the Little Mermaid (depends on the day) while Caroline will be my little Chicken, the same costume H wore in at her age. How fun it'll be!!!

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