Sunday, January 30, 2011


Most people who know me, think that Hannah is me.  Well, she doesn't look like me BUT apparently the "defiant, independent child" is how I was when I was young.  My mom reminds me of that often =)  As do my sisters... And while true, I don't recall giving my parents the run that Hannah gives to me.  It probably happened but still...I love her and all but it is definitely a battle of wills some day.  It is funny when I can just look at her and figure out what her next move is b/f she even does it.  Like today.  She decided she was tired of playing kitchen with me so I could tell Hannah was eyeing her dresser to empty it out and "organize it."  And yup, that is just what she was about to do...until I saw it in her eye and diverted it.  If I have the "organizing the dresser" event one more time, I planned to take all her clothes out of the room.  Not quite sure how I diverted the attention but within two minutes she was happily playing with her dolls in my room! Thank goodness...

Today was a special milestone for Caroline...she had her first taste of rice cereal! At first she didn't know quite what to make of it but after a couple minutes, she decided that it was good and was all ready for more! At four months, I thought it was time to try it out and happy I did.

Last night Caroline was baptized into the Catholic Church.  I became choked up when the Sacrament happened during church...another milestone for my baby has occurred and wow.  BUT last night also marked the night Hannah went #2 in her underwear while wearing her new purple dress and playing with her cousins.  Yes, it happened at home but it was drama.  She screamed and cried and wanted her underwear  I found a new level of patience I never knew I had...I calmed her, cleaned her and changed her all without yelling.  Rather, I kept telling Hannah that it was okay, accidents happen and we'll try again another time.  I always told people I lacked patience...that is until last night.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Four months and counting

Caroline is four months old. As I fed her this morning, and watched her looking around I was filled with amazement and happiness. She is growing. A lot. Some of her milestones thus far:
  • Rolled from belly to back
  • Cooing and "talking"
  • Smiling all the time
  • Reaching for things on her activity mat
  • Staring intently as we eat (she is definitely ready for rice cereal)
  • Laughing

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Walking down memory lane...

In two weeks Hannah will be three years old and today it hit me...hard.  I had the opportunity to do a media story that included filming in one of the c-section rooms at one of our hospitals.  It was the same room (I think) where Hannah was born three years ago.  I looked around in amazement at what I saw and remembered the moment I first heard her cries and held her for the first time.  My labor and subsequent delivery via c-section was not how I planned but life has a funny way of working out not quite like we plan! That day on February 12, 2008, I went into the hospital and thought I'd be induced and out would come  baby a few hours later.  I laugh now at the thought but the planner I am "assumed" it was going to be just that easy.

Of course, it wasn't.  I labored for 12 hours, 6 of which was the not so fun "back labor" people tell you about. In the end, Hannah wanted out and it wasn't the way I planned but it was the best way for her...via c-section. And I will never forget that moment...I was exhausted and somewhat out of it after the long day BUT that moment Hannah made her entrance for the first time into this world rang loud and clear in my head as I looked around the OR today...

And now look at independent, defiant, free willed three year old!

Hannah at one day old...

Hannah at (almost) three years old...


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pacifier free...night one

Last week Hannah had her first dentist appointment.  It went well, really well in fact...except for the doctor's disapproval of her still having a pacifier at night.  When he showed me her teeth overbite or lack there of and explained she'd need braces at age 12, well, I knew it was time to pull the plug on "binky."  But, of course, that's easier said than done.  The dentist first gave me a funky looking pacifier that he created which looks more like a night guard.  He said to switch out the old "binky" with the new and that 99 percent of the kids would just stop using it on their own b/c they wouldn't like the new.  Well, of course, Hannah was the one percent who liked her new one (check out the picture below...).

So, last night I just decided to have "binky" break and explain that it went to "binky heaven" to be recycled for a future baby in the world.  Well, there were tears and shouts of no but then something miraculous happen: Hannah fell asleep without it.

Fast forward to this morning: "mom, please fix my binky. Please." With tears in her eyes she said that to me about a dozen times.  I held strong with my story but it wasn't easy...I hate to see my child cry but I know that it will be better without it...  So, here's to night two and wondering how it will go...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

In sickness and health...

I hate when my kids are sick...but I hated even more when the entire family is sick.  For the past week, I've been wiping noses, rubbing Vicks on both girls like its my job and trying to Clorox everything in the house to prevent the germs from spreading...if only.  Yesterday, Tim and I succumbed to the illnesses. He with a fever and me with a full blown cold.  Before kids, if either one of us was sick, we'd simply go to be early and sleep until we felt better.  But, as any parent will attest, there is no rest of the weary.  What a sight it probably was yesterday as I wiped my nose, then Caroline's then Hannah's...Tim was on his own! =)

As I put Caroline to bed last night I prayed she'd sleep and did the same as I put Hannah to bed.  And miraculously they did, except for a brief period when Caroline was up at 1:30.  I'm not 100 percent today but I'm more than the 40 percent I was yesterday so I'll take it...and muster on...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Home alone with daddy...

Tim had the day off and while that is normal every other week, what isn't normal was having two sick girls at home for him.  In fact, Tim is just getting used to the whole idea of having two kids home every other week and wasn't mentally or physically geared up for two sick kids and the meltdowns and crying fests that followed.  I have to give him credit b/c he did it and managed to have both kids smiling by the time I came home eight hours later.  Although apparently Hannah decided to re-arrange her room a few times, Caroline decided to only take one nap and, oh yes, Hannah chose to have a "full on meltdown" when Tim tried to pick out her she spent the day in a pull up b/c it was "just easier." 

So, when I came home tonight and asked how and why Hannah's room was "re-arranged;" why Princess stickers were on our kitchen floor; and how a few pairs of my high heels ended up on the front staircase landing, Tim simply said, "Don't ask.  The kids and I survived.  We're all happy you're home."  Yup, mommy to the rescue as I work to restore order and a little sanity to all their lives!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"I don't want to go to school"

For three years now, I knew it was inevitable that I'd hear those words from Hannah eventually.  But today was not one of those morning I expected it...but it happened.  She melted into tears at 6:45 a.m. and cried out "No school mommy!  I don't want to go to school to day...I stay here with you."  Well, as anyone could imagine, I pretty much wanted to meltdown with her.  Truth be told, I would have loved to stay home today and played Princess with her and Caroline.  But reality was we couldn't. She had school and mommy had a full work day ahead...

While it wasn't easy to calm her down, I managed it. I wish I could say I soothed and calmed her fears with words...but I didn't.  Sure I used some words and told her I loved her very much, but like any three year old, words were only going take me so, I bribed.  That's right.  I used Max and Ruby, her favorite show, as a way to entice her into the car.  I promised she could watch an episode in the car on the way to school.  And miraculously by 7 a.m. the three Hartigan women were on their way to school and work... 

And by the time we arrived at school, Hannah was ready to go and bounded happily inside the building to see her friends. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Needing a "Calgon" moment...

I'll admit: I love having a career AND a family.  But I'll also admit that it's incredibly hard to do both some days. Today is one of those days...I have two sick little ones and a hectic day at work.  Not to mention a long to do list at home of things I need to get done prior to Caroline's Baptism next week.  Don't mistake it: it is a choice I've made but life isn't without its challenges and today is just one of those days where I struggle.  I often find myself asking other moms the same question they ask me "how do you do it?"  I have a friend with three kids and a full time career...I'm in awe of her b/c I can't imagine adding another one the mix.  Nor do I plan to but still...

To all the moms out there, I salute you! It's difficult being a mother whether you stay home full time or not and I know there will come a point when we look back fondly on these times but while in the midst of them, well, sometimes we all could use just a quick "Calgon moment"...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Finding time...

It's funny...pre kids, I always thought it was difficult to find a moment to breathe during my busy day at work and tending to the chores around the house.  Well, now I just laugh at that notion!  With two kids, a busy career and the countless to do lists at home, my "me time" is usually the 10 minute (or sometimes 5) shower I get in the evenings just after putting the kids to bed.  There are countless news articles about how women tend to put themselves last and everyone else first...I used to laugh and think "come on women! It's not that difficult to put ourselves first!" Of course I realize this statement is ridiculous now. 

BUT, I do think there is truth in those articles. I receive Parents magazine on a monthly basis and they always have tips to the moms out there about how to have a moment...and they're right. So, I encourage all moms (and dads too!!) to take a moment every now and then to just be...whether it's that cup of coffee at your desk first thing in the morning or that shower where it's just you or that moment at the end of the day when the kids are down and you can finally hear the house sounds....

Tell me, what is that one moment for you?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The cat in the bed...

I never thought of myself as a cat person until Felix and Ethel arrived at our door five years ago.  Most people I know are either "cat people" or "dog people" and occasionally I run across the "all animals people." I was one of those dog dogs and didn't give a lot of thought about cats.  All of that changed when two scrawny barn cats came to live in our barn.  Sure they were cute but I was determined to keep them outside and they'd never step foot in the house.  Yeah, that lasted....

Fast forward five years and Felix is pretty much inside all the time and Ethel comes in and fact Felix likes to think all cushion-filled places in the house are his...including Hannah's bed as of recent.  Tonight, I put Hannah to bed only to have her come down 10 minutes later saying "Felix is in my bed. Please get him out."  It was rather funny but to her he was on her blankets and no one does that.   Not even a four legged furry grey hair cat named Felix.

The "binky" debate

When Hannah was a baby I always said to people that I didn't care if she had a pacifier b/c when the time came to get rid of it, I'd just throw them away and it'd be done.  I'll be the first to admit...I was soo naive to that thought!  She's now almost three and still has it much to my chagrin.  We've made significant progress in only having it at night for bed but every now and then the "binky" creeps into the day.  Like this was time to leave for school and a meltdown of infinite proportions occurred.  And it all came as a result of "Hannah, please put your binky back in your bed now."  One would have thought it was the end of the world by the wailing that transpired...

Now, I get asked about Caroline and does she have a binky.  Well, she does but we don't actively force it or willingly give it to her at the moment.  We've learned that lesson...for now.  Stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Early to rise...

I know lots of people who love to get up early to begin their day.  BUT I'm not one of them.  Frankly, even after having a career for as long as I have and now with two kids, I don't like getting up...especially to the sound of a three year asking me "Mom please change my pull up.  I pooped and it needs to be changed please."  At least she said please so I'll give her credit there. 

I was tempted to just roll back over but when Hannah came into my room the smell followed, up I jumped to start tackling the day.... thanks Hannah =)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And so it begins

People always told me I have things to say and my stories about my children and husband make them laugh, so I've finally decided to do something about both...start a blog.  Welcome! As the blog title says: I have two girls (ages 3 and 3.5 months), two cats (Felix and Ethel) and one husband (Tim..could also be third child at time but...). Life is a journey for us.  Hannah, my oldest is the willful and independent type who doesn't like the word no, except when she's using it. And Caroline, my youngest, is fairly laid back at the moment...of course she is only three months so it's still early.   And then there's Tim...ah, yes the hubby.  The poor man =) He is out numbered every where and even is starting to get grief from Hannah.  I told him to simply suck it up and enjoy the ride.  My hope for this blog is to share the stories of my everyday life and i hope you will to! Cheers for now!