I finally watched Dove's next "Real Beauty" campaign video as it relates to the FBI sketch artist drawing women as they describe themselves and how others describe them. WOW, powerful and with it came a powerful message: we are all beautiful.
Let's be honest as women we are our own worst critics. We tend to fret and obsess over how we look and compare ourselves to others. And I am no different. I wish my stomach was smaller, my face less round, my shoulders not soo wide (I think I look like a line backer) and on and
on... Oh and that I actually had a behind...I don't it's flat.
But I love the message Dove is conveying in their latest installment. We are beautiful. Each of us. And we're unique and original as it should be. (here's the link: http://youtu.be/XpaOjMXyJGk)
As I sat and watched it, I couldn't help think of my own girls and they're beauty. I like to think they got the best parts of Tim and I! Right now they have no concept of imperfections...their happy and embrace who they are. My goal, reinforced by the Dove campaign, is to to strive to have them be just that: be happy with who they are. But I know it starts with me...b/c as their mother they watch me and learn from me. And I'm sure listen to me complain about my outfits or my body or my face, or my....etc!
BUT I'll never be perfect. No one is. So take the pledge with me and say to yourself each and everyday: I am beautiful. Period.
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