I remembered the Serenity Prayer in detail tonight as I attempted to take Hannah and Caroline out to dinner. For the first time. By myself. At a sit down restaurant. Yes, that's right...I'm insane. To be fair it was Bob Evans and normally they're pretty quick. But tonight was one of those off nights and we ended up taking the food home b/c Hannah was two seconds away from a total meltdown. I thought fast and made it out relatively unscathed but it wasn't pretty and I probably had the wild "what the hell am I doing?" look all across my face.
It started out well with Hannah sitting in her seat eating yogurt while Caroline sat in the high chair happily looking around and eating baby food. As I watched both of them, I thought "Wow, look at me I'm having dinner out with my girls!" INSERT LAUGHTER HERE...
And it was like that for awhile until Hannah decided she had to go to the potty over and over again AND that she was done sitting. I had hope (still) when the food arrived b/c the pancakes intrigued her with their smiley faces made out of whipped cream. BUT then...
"I don't like whipped cream mommy!" came from her mouth and at that moment I knew a meltdown was inevitable. You see Hannah loves whipped cream and would eat it by the spoonfuls if I let her...
So, I swooped Caroline up into the carrier, motioned for the waitress, boxed up the food and tried to pay the bill as quickly as possible. Alas, Hannah managed a mini meltdown b/f we left as she spilled her cup of milk all over the floor...but the people at Bob Evans just smiled and said don't worry. I think their smile was one of sympathy...and I thank them for it.
I'll try again...someday.
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