I used to think I needed to just watch my use of certain vocabulary words around Hannah but I've now realized that the list is expanding. For those of you who are friends with my on Facebook know that this week Hannah used the word "Jesus" in a way I didn't expect her to...I couldn't yell at her b/c she was only repeating what I say. BIG Sigh. I talked with her about what Jesus means and how we use his name and I think she understood to a point but I realized that in order for her to completely understood I need to be an example. That's not as easy as it sounds...
Fast forward to last night when Hannah, coming into our bed b/c she couldn't sleep, says: "You know you love me mom!" I don't recall ever really using that phrase nor do I think Tim uses it...but she picked it up from somewhere and in many ways it melted my heart. It was adorable and funny how she said it but I noted to myself that above all I never want her to ever doubt that. So my response to her was "I love you with all my heart Hannah and always will."
I suspect I'll be correcting myself and her for awhile with words used but we'll get there eventually...perhaps.
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