So I became a parent this week "officially". Okay, I've been a parent for the last three years but this week I used the phrase my parents used...the dreaded "or else..." It's funny but growing up I remember my mom using that phrase with us and it being followed by something she was going to take away. As I think back I remember a few things taken away but most of the time she said it just to get our attention...and it usually worked! Up until this week, I would laugh thinking about that and thought "who would use that phrase b/c it really doesn't mean anything..." Well, guess what? I did...this week. With Hannah. Just to get her attention!
She was in one of her three year old moods one morning and it was time to leave. She sat down in the upstairs hallway and decided to whine and yell "Nooooo! I don't want to go to school. I want my gramma!!" I didn't have time for this nor was I in the greatest of moods myself to deal, my response? "Hannah stop whining and get downstairs now or else you will never see your gramma again!" She stopped and with mild fear in her eyes said, "Okay." And off we went.
Perhaps my mom and dad were right...afterall!
LOL...I thought the same thing when the older two boys were younger. Now, I cringe to think of some of the phrases I find myself using. Glad it worked for you, though!