Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Determined Caroline...

In one month Caroline will be one year old...and I think she is starting to break out of her shy and laid back stage. Yup, I may have another defiant one on my hands!

She hears the word NO often but her response usually is: stop for a second, look at me, whine a bit and then proceed on the course she has set out...with a determined look and a forceful crawl. As if she's telling herself "Nothing will stop be in getting up the stairs or to those wires!" LOL!

Of course she not only has me telling her NO but Hannah as well. In fact, it's funny to me how often I hear Hannah tell her sister NO when Caroline is on "Hannah's blankets" or "Hannah's toys" or "Hannah's pillow pet"....I hear "That's mine Caroline!" regularly.

But I wouldn't change it for the world b/c I know it's when I DON'T hear any noise that they're truly up to something...and that can be the scary part!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bob Evans Round 2 and last...

I can't believe I decided to try Bob Evans by myself with a three year old and 10 month AGAIN. But, call it what you will, I did. And I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN. In fact, I left one of my best friend's a message tonight telling her to knock some sense into me if I ever mention trying to take the two girls out to dinner. Alone. Over the next year. Sigh.

It started with such promise. We arrived. The hostess seated us right away and took our order. I thought, "Wow, this is great. Fast service and the girls will be fine." Not so fast. Caroline's applesauce arrives as do biscuits...again, nice and prompt. That's where it all started to go SOUTH...

You see the waitress comes back with the girls food (pancakes) and says "Some other server took your salad by mistake for another customer so they have to remake it for you." Fine, not a problem. In fact, I thought it was probably better if it arrived a few minutes later b/c I could get Caroline and Hannah settled with food in front of them.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Waiting....15 minutes later still no salad. Now, you might ask what kind of salad did I order. It wasn't a fancy salad, rather a plain ol' wild fire chicken salad.... But apparently it was a bit too much for the restaurant to handle.

So, off I motion to the manager and told him to cancel my order as my children were done eating and it was time to leave. He proceeded to apologize and offered the salad as take out at no charge. I think he saw the semi-wild look in my eye (again) as Hannah and Caroline were both getting restless.

The salad-to-go came, I threw a tip down, paid for their dinner and raced to the car...all in time for Hannah to decide to throw a tantrum about not getting ice cream and Caroline to have a melt down b/c she was tired.

Just another day in the life. =/